COVID-19 Update


Stay Connected

We’ve changed some things to accommodate these times. If you’re not ready to gather back at a campus, here are some ways you can stay connected.
You were made for community. In these times we may have to practice physical distancing but let’s stay connect socially. Here’s how you can do it...



Join us at our Park Campus at 9:00am | 10:30am or online.
You can tune in LIVE at any one of these...
Church Online | Facebook | YouTube

LIVE Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am or On Demand


Connect Groups

Yes! We may be practicing physical distancing but we want keep up the social interation. Many of our groups are now meeting through digital platforms such as Zoom & Marco-Polo.

Looking for a Group | Interested in Leading a Group


Riverpark is a church that believes in being a blessing to our communities, city, nation, and world. Our missions hasn't changed... Love God | Love People | Make a Difference. To partner with us as we continue to fight COVID-19 and support missions, organizations, and communities around the world simply click below.

Give Here



We don't want your kids missing out on all the fun they could be having at church. So we've created online kids worship experiences just for them, as well as weekly updates on our Riverpark Kids Facebook page. Click below and get your kids plugged into all that our kids team is doing.

Learn More

Prayer & Care

Know that our team is praying for you. We have teams that are calling people just to check in on them as well as teams that are praying for people. If you need prayer or just a phone call, please let us know.
Simply click the live chat box on the bottom right of the screen. Or you can email us at Our team is here to serve you.

Weekly Devos & Tips

Our app and social media pages will continue to regularly have new posts keeping you connected and refreshed in this time.
We want to challenge you to give the first part of your day to God. Check out our Social Media and App Here...

Riverpark App | Facebook | Instagram