People Relations
A team of everyday people dedicated to ensuring each person who steps foot onto the campus of Riverpark experiences the genuine love of Jesus, all while giving away the same genuine care that we received when we first came.
Help create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere at the Park, meeting attendees with a smiling face, friendly greetings, and a wave, handshake, or fist bump.
Help guests find their way around the campus to things like our Kid’s building, the Worship Center, Restrooms, etc.
Help answer general questions of guests, helping them become a little more oriented to the campus and our church.
Serve at the front gate, inside the worship center, and throughout the Park.
Ensures each and every person feels welcome when they are on our campus and is met with genuine welcome.
Pray over their respective areas and for the people they will encounter.
Help make our Worship Center welcoming as people enter and exit the building.
Serve at both entrances to the Worship Center.
Ensures attendees and guests are served with the simple respect of opening a door.
Ensures excess noise from opening and closing of doors remains minimal throughout the worship experiences.
Pray over the entrances to the Worship Center and for the people who will come through them.
Help those attending worship experiences find needed seating.
Serve at specific seating sections inside the Worship Center.
Ensures that members and guests alike easily navigate our Worship Center seating, especially in our darker settings
and with larger crowds.
Pray over the sections and seats in the Worship Center and for the ones who will sit in them.
Help prepare and provide attendees and guests with coffee and water.
Help with supply inventory and stock.
Serve at the Coffee Cart area in the Park.
Ensures that those who attend our experiences or events have refreshments if so desired.
Pray over the Coffee Cart and surrounding areas and for the ones whom they will serve.
Social Media
Come up with clever posts, including sermon quotes, bible verses, worship songs the worship team sings, etc.
Create media for posts
Schedule out posts
Reply to comments in a timely manner
Email Communications
Orchestrate monthly emails and newsletters in order to effectively communicate with our members.