John 1

Read John Chapter 1 :: Here

Devotional ::

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”

John 1:1-5 NLT


We live in a culture that is very opinionated, and very vocal with those opinions. The trouble is that many of those opinions are built on feelings instead of truth. In chapter one of our reading today John begins by establishing a truth. Everything starts with Jesus. Verse three says that nothing could exist if not for Him because He is life that brings light. 

Have you ever tried to define something you see in the dark. It’s nearly always wrong. I’m a deer hunter and have spent many hours just before dawn in the woods waiting for daylight. Because I’m looking for deer, it’s amazing how many trees, bushes and logs look just like deer. And then as the sun rises you clearly see… ‘yep, that’s a log, not a deer’.

Light brings clarity. What if this year before forming any opinion about anything you first turned on the light. Let the light of the world, Jesus, illuminate what you’re looking at.  You might discover what you initially thought was one thing is actually completely different in the light.

This year, first turn on the light.


Reflect ::

What things have you decided in the dark that need to be brought into His light?

•Think about John 1:14. Consider how Jesus is “full of grace and truth”.


Prayer ::

Father, forgive me for formulating ideas and opinions in the dark and then trying to defend them against your light. Jesus, I believe you are the light I need to see the truth. So shine your light on me and help me see.  Amen.

{Now, in your own words, spend a couple of minutes praying for God to reveal grace and truth to you.  Take another minute or two to listen for what He wants to say to you, then write it down.}


Action ::

For the next 21 days, let God’s Word be the first thing you engage when you wake up. 


John 2


One and Only