John 16

Read John Chapter 16 :: Here

Devotional ::

“There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” 

John 16:12-13 NLT


In 1989 the band Queen released a song named, "I Want It All".  This is a completely understandable feeling to want it all… until you get to the fourth line of the song where it says... "and I want it now".

Humanity is guilty of many things, but perhaps one of the most egregious of these is mistaking everything we know for everything there is to know. We often are guilty of thinking we know it all, or we know best. In verse 12 of John Chapter 16 Jesus, speaking of the Holy Spirit, says "He will guide you into all truth". I love this language used here. The Holy Spirit is our guide. 

A few years ago Chelsea and I got to take a tour of Tulum, an ancient Mayan city in Mexico. Fortunately for us, it was a guided tour. What blew my mind was how many people walked the place without a guide explaining to them what has been discovered about each of the artifacts and buildings. Our guide told us things that we never could have discovered on our own in the short amount of time that we were there.

The Holy Spirit is our guide during the short amount of time we spend on this Earth. He will guide you into all truth, according to scripture. He won't leave you behind but will take you from where you are now, what you know now, and lead you into where you need to be and what you need to know at the right time. You and I are not expected to know it all. We are, however, expected to know the one who does. If you want it all and want it now, as the song says, "all" has a name, Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit guide you into ALL.



•Am I allowing myself to be led by the Spirit or am I trying to determine truth on my own?

•Do I spend more time worrying about the future than listening to the Spirit?

•Do I give enough space in my day for the Lord to speak to me and guide me?



Lord, I'm sorry for ever thinking that I know it all. I need your guidance and leadership in my life. Daily fill me with your Spirit so that I can know your truth and be set free.  Amen. 

{In your own words, ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit and help you to see the truth.  Take another minute or two to listen for what He wants to say to you, then write it down.}



Today as you encounter any conversation that engages opinion, pause and quietly ask the Lord what He thinks. You might be shocked by his answer. 


John 17


John 15