John 17

Read John Chapter 17 :: Here

Devotional ::

“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.”

John 17:24 NIV 


This one will be short, but sweet.   I’d like to share three quick observations on this prayer that Jesus prayed, that should encourage and inspire all of us today.

First, JESUS WANTS US TO BE WITH HIM.  Jesus wants YOU, to be with Him.  No matter how inadequate you may feel today, JESUS WANTS YOU.

Second, JESUS WANTS US TO SEE HIM IN ALL OF HIS GLORY!  He wants us to experience Him to the fullest extent possible.  He is not hiding from you, no matter how hard it sometimes seems to perceive Him.

Third, {and best of all}…Jesus spoke this request to the Father IN PRESENT TENSE!  It’s right there in the Greek text.  Here’s why that’s important: Jesus is saying that we can BE WITH HIM and SEE HIS GLORY — RIGHT NOW, TODAY!!!

We don’t have to wait to enter the pearly gates of heaven.  We don’t have to wait for Him to come riding back on a white horse.  We can be with Him, and see His glory today, tomorrow, and any day we’re willing to step into this possibility.  So what are we waiting for?


Reflect ::

•Is it possible that we are “with Jesus” but unaware of His Presence?

•What do you think it means to “see His glory”?

•What would it look like for us to experience the fulfillment of this prayer today?


Prayer ::

Jesus, thank you for praying for us.  We want to be with You — today!  We want to see Your glory.  Please open our eyes and our hearts to Your Presence right now in this moment.

{Now spend about 5-7 minutes in silence, focusing on Jesus.  Just be with Him.}



Action ::

Write down each time you sense Jesus with you today, and each time you see something that glorifies Him.


John 18


John 16