John 3

Read John Chapter 3 :: Here

Devotional ::

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

John 3:16-18 ESV


This may be the most famous and well known passage of scripture in the entire Bible. We’ve heard it from the time we were all little. Believers and non-believers alike can quote it. Everybody knows “For God so loved the world…”.  

But it’s quite often the simplest, oldest truths that are the most overlooked. It’s the things that are the most consistent in our lives that become undervalued, and sometimes underappreciated. Looking at this scripture in context of the entire chapter possibly sheds fresh light on the oh so familiar to us. 

We see Nicodemus, a Jewish teacher and ruler of the Jews, come to Jesus under the cover of night. Get the picture – this is THE religious authority seeking a meeting with the new rabbi in town, Jesus. Why? Nicodemus knew the law backwards and forwards. He understood the “old way” like the back of his hand. He knew the traditions, the right things to say, the right way to look. We’d say in our culture that he could wear his “Sunday best” to a professional level and play the part to perfection. But in all of his knowledge, all of his credentials, he knew that Jesus was offering something different. Something different from all of his tradition, upbringing, and family history. 

Jesus was and is and will always be more. 

And how does Jesus respond to the inquisitiveness of a scholar who was quickly realizing that his learning couldn’t answer all the questions in his heart? The same way that he’s responding to each of us this very day - with love. Jesus explains that He is the Son given by the Father to bring life to a condemned world! And the motivation behind such a powerful display of unwarranted, undeserved, rescue was and always will be love


Reflect ::

•Have you ever found yourself taking the love of God for granted?

It’s often easier to believe that God loves someone else rather than ourselves.

•What has kept you from receiving the fullness of the love of God personally?

•Further into John 3, we see John the Baptist make a powerful statement. Speaking of Jesus, he says that “He must increase, but I must decrease.” What parts of you must decrease so there can be more Jesus?


Prayer ::

Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice. You didn’t have to come to Earth and give yourself for me but you did. You chose me. And you’re still choosing me. Help me know and understand the love you have for me in a deeper and greater way today. 


Action ::

Try to pay special attention today to ways the Lord is showing his love, but also be on the lookout for thoughts, attitudes, and instances which may arise to challenge your belief and/or acceptance of that love today. 


John 4


John 2