Trust Me - Marcus Briggs
Our trust in God can be divided into two areas
Can He and will He.
We live in a world FULL of reasons not to trust. In many cases the story behind the reason for not trusting is often too horrific to hear. We don't know what we can trust or what we can't. How do we get rid of these trust issues? How do we guarantee we're trusting what is right?
Remember the "trust fall" exercise? The trust fall was a way for you to put your well being into someone else's hands, literally. Here's the way it would work... you would stand in front of someone else and then without moving your feet just fall back and "trust" that they were going to catch you before you hit the ground. Yes, it's scary.
Not too long ago I showed my daughter this exercise and she loved it, but then she wanted me to trust her and fall into her. Yikes, I weigh 4 times as much as she does. Although I trusted her desire to keep me from harm I did not trust her ability.
Maybe you feel this way about God. You believe He loves you but you just don't see a way He can help. Or maybe the opposite is true for you. You know He can help, you just don't know that He will. Basically, our trust in God can be divided into two areas. Can He and will He. However, both of these trust issues view God from our reality, not His. Essentially our problem with trust is not about God but about the results. "Can He do it my way, will He do it my way?" The trouble is, "my way" is derived from "my understanding" instead of His.
The Bible gives us clarity on how we could be seeing trust incorrectly.
Proverbs 3:5 ESV 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.'
This proverb is implying that leaning toward my own understanding will keep me from trusting God with ALL my heart. All of us have an understanding of how we think things should go, but we don't see all that God sees. When we attempt to trust God using our own understanding, we are defining God through a human reality. We are bringing him to our level. But Trust is all about submitting yourself to someone else's reality, not bringing them into yours. So, when we trust God we are stepping into His reality with Him, and this is what He desires. God wants us to trust Him from a different perspective than our own understanding. He wants us to see that He is trustworthy. He is calling us to trust Him, not our own ideas.